Gather To Worship.
Remember To Study.
Open Ourselves To Service.
Witness As Disciples of Christ.
One of my favorite thinkers and a unique spiritual person is Albert Einstein. I quote him often because he always challenges me to ponder my life and my calling as a pastor. Einstein once said, “Whatever there is of God and goodness in the universe, it must work itself out and express itself through us. We cannot stand aside and let God do it.”
One of my chief priorities, as I prepare myself to begin serving as pastor at Lake Mills UMC is to do everything in my power to catch people doing things right and doing things well. Much of the time, in the world around us, folks like to catch others doing things wrong or in the making of mistakes. And they are the first ones to tell when they catch another!
So, I want you all, my congregation soon to be, to be on guard. Yes, I will be on the look out for how well you are making the presence and the goodness of God visible in and through your lives and your faith lived out inside and outside your church. When I witness it, I will thank God and thank you. It is fun to catch folks being the people that God created them to be! I know how faithfully you have lived and I can't wait to be a part of it.
I will be spending some weeks early on, from the pulpit and in meeting times, addressing the significance of our unity and togetherness as the people of God in Lake Mills. You have done so much so well, that has brought you to this point in your life and history. As I get to know you better, I will be telling you about how I see God within you. We need to continually remind ourselves of the many ways in which we are living as channels for the love and presence of God.

I look forward, more each day, to the time when I can meet the church family by the prayer garden, in the sanctuary, enjoying each others company in the hearth room, gathering in the entryway over coffee and conversation and stopping by to say hello. May God bless us all as we prepare for July 1st at Lake Mills United Methodist Church.
Rev. Bill