Have you been inspired this week? Getting inspired is a crucial key to your attainment of your worthy goals and aspirations. In the Bible it says in 2 Timothy 3:16, that “all scripture is inspired by God.” Good news for those who seek advice and wisdom from the sacred texts. But what about your life this week. Are you inspired too?
INSPIRATION is defined as: being motivated; stimulated, provoked [in the good sense], influenced and encouraged.
When a person is inspired they accomplish great things. In fact when you are inspired thoughts come easily and fit together well, jobs get accomplished with it seems less effort, problems get solved in a flash and difficult tasks become easy possibilities.
The English word Inspire is derived from the Latin “inspirare”, which means "to breathe in." For spiritually minded people the breathing in, is God breathing into the human spirit from the Divine Spirit, the Holy Spirit.
Here is what one philosopher says about being inspired: “A psychic state in which one becomes susceptible to creative spiritual influence or unwittingly lends oneself as an instrument for through-flowing ideas. It is the creative state of the artist, poet, and author, traditionally believed to be amenable to the wisdom of the muses or inspiring gods. In a state of inspiration, the prophets of various religions dictated scriptures or predicted future events. The term inspiration denotes a breathing in of the divine creative spirit, bringing perception of truth.”
The idea of God breathing the Creative Spirit into our lives and influencing our spirits to produce our creative best is a comforting and interesting understanding of this divine power at work in our world through our lives. We understand that wisdom is the desire to become so filled with God’s in-breathing, this Divine breath into our lives that we think more clearly and act more creatively than ever before.
"Without inspiration the best powers of the mind remain dormant, there is a fuel in us which needs to be ignited with sparks." - Johann Gottfried Von Herder
Ask God to fill you this day and inspire you to think, feel and act your wisest and best.
Watch this movie of a Father and Son running the Ironman Triathlon to get inspired. Remember you CAN do all things through God who inspires you.
Blessings to you today.
Rev. Bill