Lake Mills United Methodist Church Pastor's Blog. For everyone who wants to explore the life of the spirit and the love of God in and through this growing and sharing congregation.
(DISCLAIMER: The views expressed on this blog are the personal views of Reverend William R. McBride and may not necessarily represent the views of Lake Mills UMC or the Wisconsin Conference UMC. Every attempt has been made to accurately represent the above entities on this blog.)
Today we begin a series of posts on our learning and inspiration from the stars. Each week I will share some thoughts on what the stars and the heavens have to teach us about God, ourselves and the creator's love.
Really now, we all like to get into a state of neutral don't we? Sure we do. There comes a time, perhaps many times when we like to go neutral and slip into nuetral.
Let someone else take care of the needs of the world. I'm not in the mood, I'm too tired, I don't care, or what needs?
This is the time of the year when hibernating might seem like a good choice. With the time changes in the fall, as it did this past Saturday night, we want to slow down and take it easy don't we?
It now gets darker earlier at night and it won't be long and dark mornings, at least above the 45th parallel latitude will be the norm. The songbirds have taken flight to warmer areas and the only bird that may accompany you on your early morning commute is an owl.
How do we get past this inclination to idleness and hibernation? Good question indeed! Our theme this week strikes out against taking an idle posture. The Bible says in 2 Thessalonians 3:6 "In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we command you, brothers and sisters, to keep away from every believer who is idle and disruptive and does not live according to the teaching you received from us." What we must do is Face it - Fight it - and Get beyond it. No Idle weariness here. Fight the urge to shift into neutral and let the world pass you by. Fight the tendency to let someone else volunteer at home, at church and at work. Get busy and keep busy.
Now it is okay to take a break to rest and refuel; but we must, if we are to stay effective, see our world through active eyes and see others through active eyes too. Idleness does not accomplish the work of God in our world and in our lives.