Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Imagining Wisconsin Anew - Vital Congregations

Our new Bishop, Hee-Soo Jung is casting a vision for growing vital congregations and beginning new ministries all across the state.

He invites all our churches to join in and reach new levels of participation and vitality.

It will take the willingness to risk new ideas and new steps and not settle for life in the church as usual or as the same.

Here is a short video about Revitalizing our Churches for the sake of sharing the Gospel of Christ for the transformation of the world.

I have designed an online course to help revitalize our churches. It is available on Udem.com and is called "Energizing Church Leadership and Administration."

You can go check it out by clicking this link.  https://www.udemy.com/a-course-in-church-revitalization

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Laughing is Good Medicine

Laughter is known and proven to be good for your health. "Medical researchers haver determined that laughter has a profound and instantaneous effect on virtually every important organ in the human body. Best of all, laughter reduces tension as it relaxes you." -Bruce & Stan God In The Small Stuff for the Graduate. Page 185

You can't go wrong when you laugh.

Click Here for some ways to help you laugh more.

Have a good laugh today.


Rev. Bill McBride

Friday, May 3, 2013


I bet you have read tons of information on self-improvement.  How are you doing on making yourself into a better person? Perhaps you do not realize that it was God who first thought up personal development and this idea of self-improvement.

Philippians 3:13-15 in the Bible talks about improving our lives - 13 "My friends, I don’t feel that I have already arrived. But I forget what is behind, and I struggle for what is ahead. 14 I run toward the goal, so that I can win the prize of being called to heaven. This is the prize that God offers because of what Christ Jesus has done. 15 All of us who are mature should think in this same way. And if any of you think differently, God will make it clear to you."

How To Improve Yourself

1. Understand that self-improvement doesn't happen automatically. This truth may reveal why there is so much written and created to motivate us to improve.

2. Self-Improvements requires constant, systematic, and disciplined self-development.

3. Adopt a practice for self-improvement.
     a. Find the same time, as little as five minutes each day, preferably in the same spot to do some thinking, praying and reading about self-improvement.
    b. It takes 21 consecutive days of practicing a new habit to get it to become a part of your life. So, give your self-improvement project the necessary time to make it a deep part of your life.
    c. Find a friend to improve with.
    d. Never try to change anyone else. Working on yourself is more than enough. Besides, no one can change another person but themselves.

4. Since self-improvement is such a popular topic, find something new each day to read about the topic.

Blessings to you.

Rev. Bill McBride

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Have you considered that God has a To-Do list for you? Yes God does. We are investigating this spring, God's To Do List for our lives in our spring message series; "Things God Wants".

Each week we will take a look at the things God has on His to-do list for us.

April 28th –    At 8am worship "God Wants You to Arrange Your Priorities"  - At 10:30am worship YOUTH SUNDAY – youth group providing worship. (Youth Group art show at 9:45am in the lobby.
May 5th    – “God Wants You to Improve Yourself.”
May 12th – “God Wants You to Laugh.”
May 19th – “God Wants You to Embrace Adversity.”
May 26th – “God Wants You to Seize the Day.”  (Summer worship begins; Hearth Room worship at 8am & Sanctuary worship at 9:30am)

APRIL 28TH - "God Wants You to Arrange Your Priorities".
  • What you think about when you have nothing to do reveals what is important to you.
  • You know something becomes meaningful when it goes from your head to your heart to your hands.
  • The way you deal with life each day depends on what you bring to life each day.

Thanks for reading. Leave your comments below.

Reverend William R. McBride, Pastor