Friday, June 4, 2010

Got a Purpose Bigger Than You?

I have a small yet large on wisdom book in my library. It is entitled “101 Ways to Find God’s Purpose for Your Life.”

As I have preached on before, we need always to live not by accident but “on purpose.” Let me share three ways from this book for you to find a BIG purpose for you life.

1. DISCOVER YOUR STRENGTHS. “we all have a calling. We all have a purpose in life. Not all of us are meant to be artists who paint on canvases, but we all have a gift.” –Mark Victor Hansen, writer.

Make a list of those things you do well. List the ways you are using your “gifts” in the tasks you perform. God’s purpose for your life can be found in the passions, dreams and in what you have talent in. a lot of times we may understand our talents and skills, but we only see them being displayed in certain ways. Just maybe God is seeking to use you in many different ways to let your gifts, strengths and talents shine.

2. SEEK DIRECTION. Have you ever tried to navigate through a strange city or area without a map or directions. At best it is a guessing game. We all need to seek and get directions so we can get there in the best and the healthiest way possible.

In order to uncover God’s purpose for your life you need to be headed in the right direction. Ask God to help you get your life pointed in a direction that honors the Creator, helps you and shows love to others.

3. ENGAGE YOUR SPIRIT. Great people are often remembered because of their spirit, their determination to consume every drop of their cup of life, despite the circumstances. It is NOT what are the challenges and problems facing you, rather it IS what are you doing about them. How are you using them to grow, learn and become a better human being.

Wholeheartedly participate in life today. See things with spiritual eyesight as well as your physical eyes. Notice the beauty of creation, the glorious colors, smells, and sounds that surround you.

Blessings to you today.

Rev. Bill

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