You've got a point here. But sometimes repetition is food for the soul. And since you brought up the Lord's Prayer, found in Matthew 6:5-15, let's use it as the model for our theme this week, "How To Pray."
Over to the right of this post you will find a column called "Helpful Resources." I have created a PDF file outlining some tips on praying based on Matthew 6, "The Lord's Prayer." Simply right click on the link, "howtopray" and save to your computer. It takes the Lord's Prayer verse by verse and raises some good questions to help you in your life of prayer.
Just like we are having this conversation today, prayer is most importantly your direct link, communication channel and conversation with God. It is the way you get closer to God and the means by which God uses us to channel great power, resources, abundance and love into our lives and to others across our daily relationships.
check out this interesting video about prayer
Have a great week of prayer.
Rev. Bill
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