Thursday, September 30, 2010

Small Beginings-Larger Outcomes

In the Bible we find revealing and hopeful stories about how small beginnings can lead to larger outcomes. This should give everyone a renewed measure of hope, that their lives can certainly lead to some very fulfilling results.

In Luke 17 and Matthew 17 we have a tiny object, mustard seed used to illustrate our faith, when put into action can produce huge results; move a mountain (Matthew 17:20) or uproot and move a tree (Luke 17:6).

All too often, when we have something big in front of us; a project, a problem, an assignment, a relationship that needs immediate attention, etc., we tend to look at the entire scope of the thing looming before us and conclude we do not have what it takes to handle it or accomplish it.

We then ask God to give us more faith so we can deal with it completely all at once. Notice in Luke 17:5-10 that when the followers of Christ asked him to increase their faith Jesus then told them about the tiny mustard seed uprooting and moving an entire tree. He did not magically answer their request. He was seeking to teach them that they had enough faith to do what was in front of them right now.

I believe the message here is for each of us to take action, one small step at a time, accomplishing what is right in front of us and not let the entire scope of the event stop us in our tracks. We each have enough faith for today to do what needs to be done today.

Jesus did not increase his disciples faith, he told them immediately about their role as servants of God and their place to trust and obey. Your small faith today, even though it feels tiny, can bring about larger outcomes over time. All you have to do is act now. Your faith is not measured so much by how much you have, but by what you do with what you already have.


Rev. Bill McBride

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