BLESSING - We are free to choose, no manipulation or force placed on us.
CHALLENGE - Choose wisely because you must live with the results. Choices are not always that easy. Temptations happen.
I like what this author has to say about choosing and how God wants the very best for us.
The author, Tom Long writes, "It has been my observation that somewhere deep in the forest of life many Christians come to a fork in the path. Some head in one direction, traveling their last few days in bitterness, shouting at the world for its iniquity, wagging their heads over the sad plight of our time, cursing 'what this world has come to nowadays.' Others, however, are given the gift of traveling the other way, the path of a cheerful confidence in providence...This is the path that knows that a banquet table awaits at the end and that a house of music and dancing can already be heard in the distance. This is the path that sees a world full of miracles. This is the way of blessing, the path of gratitude.
I am convinced that it is the risen Christ who stands at this parting of the ways. If the good news of Easter is true, then we have hope, and it is hope that sustains us when we face our darkest hours. We each have to choose which path we will travel. God loves us enough to point us in the right direction; but will allow us to choose.
Easter. Resurrection. New Life. Alive Again. from Calvary Church on Vimeo.
Easter. Resurrection. New Life. Alive Again. That is what we celebrate. We have died with Christ, died to self...only to live again in Him, to rise with Him! We are a new creation. We are alive again. On Easter we boldly proclaimed that reality. We too have walked from the tomb. The tomb is empty!
God guide you in your choosing and God bless you as you choose life and faith and HOPE!!
Reverend Bill McBride
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