Friday, April 8, 2011

Point of View on Pain

Ever wonder or try to figure out why you have to hurt and feel pain? Isn't my faith supposed to protect me from everything bad and painful?

NOT AT All! This week see if you can find the purpose and the lesson that comes to you in and through your pain.

Here is what one woman learned about her pain; her literal pain.

The scriptures speak to us about pain and hurt. A real life story about real living; which includes some pain. Yet God never deserts us in our pain or leaves us to get buried in our problems. God gives new life to our dried out bones, as described in Ezekiel 37 and Jesus knowing some pain; in losing a friend Lazarus and weeping over this death, also understands us when we hurt and feel pain.

Seeking to see life on a larger perspective and a spiritual path can help us when we feel our pain, especially when we weep at the death of love one.

So the good news is that we are never alone in our pain and that even when we hurt we can learn and we can grow and become better people because and through our pain.

Have a great learning week even in your pain.


Rev. Bill

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