Saturday, December 26, 2009


All across the country the WEATHER has been the key topic of news, conversations and altered travel plans this Christmas season. If you made it to where you wanted to be on time and without incident, consider yourself lucky or gifted or some of both.

As for me, being a pastor means you stick around and stay put. I do like this, because I dislike traveling very far during the winter and especially during Christmas.

At church, we completed our Advent/Christmas theme of messages entitled "The Colors of Christmas" in great shape.

On Christmas Eve we finalized the theme, by exploring the color "white" for Christ. I presented to everyone, my collection of sermons and studies in a special booklet called by the same name. (If you have not picked up a book, please do so the next time you are in church.)

The church was full at our Christmas Eve service, as folks told me it would be. 325 worshippers showed up in the midst of a cold rainstorm. But as has been true of late, no matter what the WEATHER outside, it was warm, cozy and the atmosphere of love and good cheer filled the building spaces.
The mood in church was lovely, the music was superb, with great thanks to everyone who gave in song and instrument and shared their musical talents with us, the festive Luminaries lit our way along the walk in; thanks Sharon and Jeff and all the youth, and the colorful red and white Poinsettia plants added that special touch in the chancel area. All in all, I was pleased and proud to be the pastor and lead my congregation in this wonderful Christmas Eve service of worship.

I give personal witness to the truth of the matter around Lake Mills Church. WEATHER OR NOT, no matter what it is like on the outside, you will always find the warm and loving acceptance of God on the inside of this church and family.

Blessings to you in this Christmas season,

Reverend Bill, Pastor

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

From Where I Stand

Lake Mills UMC website slogan-G.R.O.W.
ather To Worship.
Remember To Study.
Open Ourselves To Service.
Witness As Disciples of Christ.

Standing in the pulpit is a humbling and honorable experience. If you have every served as a liturgist, lay reader or preached in a church, from the pulpit, then perhaps you understand what I share with you today.

Last Sunday, July 12th was my first Sunday in the pulpit at Lake Mills United Methodist Church. Now I must confess, I have stood in that pulpit a time or two in transition visits to the church and the sanctuary since May. But this past Sunday, July 12th was my first actual time in the pulpit with a congregation present in front of me.

I was humbled and honored to be standing in the pulpit and to experience worship with the congregation at Lake Mills. I take my work of preacher and worship leader very seriously; always have and I always will. I keenly sense the ancient Old Testament role of the priest, bringing the people into the real presence of God when I am leading worship and preaching from the pulpit.

I enjoy a good biblical sermon when I am on occasions part of the crowd in the pews and I suspect my congregations have always felt the same of their pastor in his/her role as preacher when they have attended church.

A colleague of mine has helped me to understand and reinforced for me the enormity of the mantle I wear as the preacher at Lake Mills United Methodist Church. She has been consistently strong about telling her congregation that their church is the house of God. She says, “This is God’s house. It is not about you or me, it is always about God and how God is seeking to interact with us and live within us through God’s Spirit. God is present here in the church and in our lives.” I like how she brings the presence of God into the midst of her member’s lives and worship. Good News does come to the congregation from the pulpit, if the pastor-preacher is seriously humbled by the presence and power of the Creator.

While I have stood in the Lake Mills UMC pulpit a few times prior to last Sunday, July 12th, it was indeed a most honorable and wonderful moment to be there with my congregation worshipping our God and Creator together. I had a great day last Sunday and I hope my congregation did too.


Rev. Bill

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

God Through Us

Lake Mills UMC website slogan-G.R.O.W.
Gather To Worship.
Remember To Study.
Open Ourselves To Service.
Witness As Disciples of Christ.

One of my favorite thinkers and a unique spiritual person is Albert Einstein. I quote him often because he always challenges me to ponder my life and my calling as a pastor. Einstein once said, “Whatever there is of God and goodness in the universe, it must work itself out and express itself through us. We cannot stand aside and let God do it.”

One of my chief priorities, as I prepare myself to begin serving as pastor at Lake Mills UMC is to do everything in my power to catch people doing things right and doing things well. Much of the time, in the world around us, folks like to catch others doing things wrong or in the making of mistakes. And they are the first ones to tell when they catch another!

So, I want you all, my congregation soon to be, to be on guard. Yes, I will be on the look out for how well you are making the presence and the goodness of God visible in and through your lives and your faith lived out inside and outside your church. When I witness it, I will thank God and thank you. It is fun to catch folks being the people that God created them to be! I know how faithfully you have lived and I can't wait to be a part of it.

I will be spending some weeks early on, from the pulpit and in meeting times, addressing the significance of our unity and togetherness as the people of God in Lake Mills. You have done so much so well, that has brought you to this point in your life and history. As I get to know you better, I will be telling you about how I see God within you. We need to continually remind ourselves of the many ways in which we are living as channels for the love and presence of God.

On Memorial Day my wife, Loretta and I stopped by the church and took some digital photos. I paused for a minute in the Prayer Garden and thought about your labor of love and memorials in that special place. I said a prayer for you and I thanked God for the ways in which our Creator has led us together.

I look forward, more each day, to the time when I can meet the church family by the prayer garden, in the sanctuary, enjoying each others company in the hearth room, gathering in the entryway over coffee and conversation and stopping by to say hello. May God bless us all as we prepare for July 1st at Lake Mills United Methodist Church.


Rev. Bill

Sunday, May 10, 2009

On Going Public

Lake Mills UMC website slogan-G.R.O.W.
Gather To Worship.
Remember To Study.
Open Ourselves To Service.
Witness As Disciples of Christ.

Today was a very different day in church at Eagle UMC (my current appointment until June 30th). The announcement making of my leaving Eagle and moving to Lake Mills was met with a somewhat predictable response. Some were sad and a few were shocked. Many were quiet and could not quite look me square in the eye. It was a happy/sad sort of day.

They were happy for me, knowing that I wanted a greater challenge and opportunity in my life. The time has come and it awaits me at Lake Mills UMC. For this I am glad. They saw my excitement about Lake Mills and wanted to congratulate me for what I was receiving, that they could not possibly provide. I sense they are sad to see me go. I saw in their looks, an affirmation for my ministry to and with them for these 4 years. They too, like I suspect the Lake Mills congregation, are already wondering about their new pastor.

It was for me a time to begin to say goodbye. I am really glad we celebrated the Sacrament of Holy Communion today. This act always gives me a chance to share and serve them in a high and holy moment. This was especially true today.

At times like these one realizes how much one has invested in the well being, spiritual growth and care of others. I find myself, with one foot still in Eagle but with the other foot and my forward viewing spirit already anticipating Lake Mills. I have been waiting and seeking this moment of an appointment with faith and prayer. But now that it is finally here and I am preparing for “there”, I feel a sense of strangeness and newness envelope me. I never really rehearsed the goodbyes. I always seek to live in the events and challenges of today.

I look forward to July 1st when I will really be “there”. But I am still “here” and have much to do to wind things down and complete my work.

As I was listening to my Staff Parish Relations Chair announce my move, I thought about Lake Mills UMC and how Pastor Jeff was doing as his committee went public with his move. I am trying to picture you, the congregation at Lake Mills listening today and now wondering what your new pastor, what’s his name; Rev. Bill McBride will be like? I hope this blog gives you some help in getting to know me and in understanding that in how much I love my Eagle congregation I too will grow to love you at Lake Mills and settle in and be the best pastor I know how to be.

Let me ask you today; What do you hope for in your new pastor coming to you on July 1st?

Friday, May 8, 2009

It's Time To GROW Together!

Welcome to the place to G.R.O.W.! I am glad you stopped by for a visit. I am excited about the opportunity to join you on your spiritual path, as your pastor, begining July 1, 2009.

Since this is an electronic log, a "weblog", I thought I'd fashion it after your Lake Mills UMC website slogan-G.R.O.W.
Gather To Worship
Remember To Study
Open Ourselves To Service
Witness As Disciples of Christ.

When you think about it, there is a life time of leaning in that slogan isn't there? Sounds like a good place to start, live and thrive.

If this is your first visit, please leave a comment. If you've been here before, welcome back. Put me in your favorites and lets see what we can do together to make this and our church the best place ever!

As I move closer to my start date of July 1, 2009 and as I prepare in this time of transition, I will be sharing some of the questions I am asking myself and wondering about the congregation at Lake Mills United Methodist Church. I have already begun praying for you and our shared ministry together in and around Lake Mills.

When you read my upcoming posts and if you have any ideas, please step in and post a comment or even send me an email. (Click the "view my complete profile" on the right side for my email address, or copy and paste my email address at the top of my blog).

I look forward to joining with you and growing alongside of you in Lake Mills. I believe with certainty that there are no accidents in our world and lives, just opportunities and places to grow and share and explore. God bless us all as we anticipate and prepare for our ministry together at Lake Mills United Methodist Church.


Reverend Bill, pastor soon at Lake Mills UMC