Saturday, January 29, 2011

So You Are Ordinary?

How does it feel being ordinary? Yes you and I are just plain ordinary, every day people. Feel good about that? I hope so. Because being ordinary is a good thing. It means then, that God has a lot of room in your life and your spirit to do extraordinary things.

God is in the business of blessing our world with extraordinary accomplishments and things, but God requires ordinary people who are not so full of themselves that they have no room for the creative source for all good works.

Recall the verse from 2 Corinthians 4:7 7-12 If you only look at us, you might well miss the brightness. We carry this precious Message around in the unadorned clay pots of our ordinary lives. That's to prevent anyone from confusing God's incomparable power with us.

The Bible record is full of stories of ordinary folks who did indeed accomplish extraordinary things. We make a mistake when we confuse the work with the worker. We see a great act like Noah building the ark and saving animal and humankind and we think he must have been a great guy to do all that. Not so. The final result was great, but God began with a plain old guy.

What do you suppose God will do with you and through you this week?

Friday, January 14, 2011

What About Time?

Have you ever wondered about time. Is there a time for everything under heaven? Is the movement of time linear, or like an ever flowing stream or perhaps circular?

This week we think about the passage of time and how as time moves along so do we. As one person said, "The only constant in our world is that everything changes."

So, who is in charge and in control of time and the changes of life? As Christians, we say that God is ultimately in charge and in control. The rest of life and the movement of time is really a mystery. The writer of the book of Ecclesiastes has much to say about time. While his words in Ecclesiastes 3 is filled with some cynicism, he still helps keep us grounded about time.

How does your faith in God affect your view of time. And is the fact that we are always changing really a bad thing or something to be avoided?

Think about your life and your time this week. What will you do to make the most of the time you have to live, love, share and care; while you still have the time?

Blessigns on your time this week.

Rev. Bill McBride