Thursday, September 30, 2010

Small Beginings-Larger Outcomes

In the Bible we find revealing and hopeful stories about how small beginnings can lead to larger outcomes. This should give everyone a renewed measure of hope, that their lives can certainly lead to some very fulfilling results.

In Luke 17 and Matthew 17 we have a tiny object, mustard seed used to illustrate our faith, when put into action can produce huge results; move a mountain (Matthew 17:20) or uproot and move a tree (Luke 17:6).

All too often, when we have something big in front of us; a project, a problem, an assignment, a relationship that needs immediate attention, etc., we tend to look at the entire scope of the thing looming before us and conclude we do not have what it takes to handle it or accomplish it.

We then ask God to give us more faith so we can deal with it completely all at once. Notice in Luke 17:5-10 that when the followers of Christ asked him to increase their faith Jesus then told them about the tiny mustard seed uprooting and moving an entire tree. He did not magically answer their request. He was seeking to teach them that they had enough faith to do what was in front of them right now.

I believe the message here is for each of us to take action, one small step at a time, accomplishing what is right in front of us and not let the entire scope of the event stop us in our tracks. We each have enough faith for today to do what needs to be done today.

Jesus did not increase his disciples faith, he told them immediately about their role as servants of God and their place to trust and obey. Your small faith today, even though it feels tiny, can bring about larger outcomes over time. All you have to do is act now. Your faith is not measured so much by how much you have, but by what you do with what you already have.


Rev. Bill McBride

Friday, September 24, 2010

How To Get Rich

Whenever I write a post I wonder if it will raise any eyebrows and create a stir; especially among "religious" folks? Well, this week when I post about getting rich and how "wealth searching" is an inherently spiritual and healthy pursuit, I bet I will raise some one's blood pressure a lot! But let me say from the start-the wealth searching has a lot to do with GOD SEARCHING.

Richness and Prosperity Have Much to Do With Putting God At The CENTER.

Open minded spiritual searchers understand the value in richness and abundance. It is the "set in their ways legalistic" and media influenced folks that twitch just a bit when any spiritual leader dares to talk about getting rich, or abundance, prosperity theology, or how the Bible encourages the acquisition of wealth in the proper perspective. Which type are you?

I encourage you to comment below.

1. There is more than one perspective out there. The Bible teaches clearly about abundance (John 10:10), God giving his faithful followers wealth and prosperity (1 Timothy 1:17), the Creator gives us the power and ability to acquire wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18), and poverty comes when we refuse to follow the universal laws (Proverbs 13:18) The media teaches us that if one person has much then they must have denied the poor theirs, there is a limited and finite supply of everything, a simple lifestyle and living with less is the best and godly way, we must work and share so that everyone is equal and life is fair.

2. Just because someone tells you it is so, does not necessarily make it so. Search for the Truth in what ever sacred writings you follow. Figure it out for yourself. From where I research, read and study, the Bible teaches us that we are the ones who place limits on ourselves and the world, God is infinite in source and substance and abundance, prosperity, fulfillment and wealth is God's dream for our lives.

3. When we get our lives and the spiritual laws out of sync, we create and bring about our own lack, loss and difficulties. When it comes to getting rich, we move away from this promise when we make money, wealth and power our God, our center and our focus. The Bible tells us that if we want to get rich we first have to get God in the center and the focus of our attention.

4. Everything depends on what you see, your mindset and your outlook. If you see the world as lacking, scarcity, peril and limited you will always bring into your life what you see and what you give and what you put your attention upon the most. If you see abundance, promise, possibilities and infinite source you will bring into your life all the good and great rewards you deserve and God desires for you. See the best and express the best; that being LOVE. This is what I mean by keeping God at the center and keeping your life on a spiritual track. (Look at the picture to the right. Do you see a young woman or an old lady? You always see and find what you look for and what you focus upon.)

The teacher Paul in the Bible said it this way; "Tell them, to go after God, who piles on all the riches we could ever manage-to do good, to be rich in helping others, to be extravagantly generous." (1 Timothy 1:17 from The Message)

This is How To Get Rich.


Rev. Bill

Friday, September 17, 2010

How To Pray?

Now here is a topic we shouldn't even have to blog about. Right? Doesn't everyone know how to pray? I mean come on. "Now I lay me down to sleep..." Haven't we all been taught to pray since we were old enough to scream "mommy?" "Our Father who art in heaven..." another well known verse of prayer. So what can we say today about praying that hasn't been said, written about, preached on and studied for ever?

You've got a point here. But sometimes repetition is food for the soul. And since you brought up the Lord's Prayer, found in Matthew 6:5-15, let's use it as the model for our theme this week, "How To Pray."

Over to the right of this post you will find a column called "Helpful Resources." I have created a PDF file outlining some tips on praying based on Matthew 6, "The Lord's Prayer." Simply right click on the link, "howtopray" and save to your computer. It takes the Lord's Prayer verse by verse and raises some good questions to help you in your life of prayer.
Just like we are having this conversation today, prayer is most importantly your direct link, communication channel and conversation with God. It is the way you get closer to God and the means by which God uses us to channel great power, resources, abundance and love into our lives and to others across our daily relationships.

“Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.” -Saint Augustine

check out this interesting video about prayer

Have a great week of prayer.


Rev. Bill

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

How To Get Found

If we are ruthlessly honest with ourselves there are days we get lost and feel lost. Right? When you feel lost how do you get found?

In the Bible in Luke 15:11-31 there is a telling story about one who got lost and how he got found again. Getting found is ultimately a "two way street." It involves the one who got lost and another who seeks to find the one who is lost.

Check out this movie about our theme this week.

How Do You Get found when you get lost?

  • Don't let your light go down.
  • Don't let your fire burn out.
  • Rise up now.
  • Don't be afraid to stand out.

There is a really big world at your fingertips and you have a chance to change it.

One clear lesson that goes contrary to cultural trends is this:

Remember that as you seek to fill another person's cup, their life with your love, your cup, your life will be made full with love too. There is a solid spiritual law at work here. "Sowing and Reaping" is one name it goes by; also "The Law of Like Return"; that's my name for it. You may have also heard it called "What Goes Around Comes Around" or "The Law of Attraction."

No matter how you name it and what you call it, it is absolutely true. If you feel a bit lost this week, find someone else who is a bit lost; struggling, afraid, lonely, sad or distressed. Ask them how you can help them feel better. Do it for them. What you give away will always come back to you.

In our story in Luke 15:11-31 the lost son:

  1. Needed to admit that he was lost.
  2. He then headed back in the right direction, toward home.
  3. He hadn't even got there yet and his dad who was looking for him and hoping to see him on his return ran out to welcome him back home.

When you feel lost, admit it and return to your spiritual center. When you feel lost believe and trust that God in love is already out there looking for you to return.

This is how the lost get found.

Get found this week. Help someone else get found too.


Rev. Bill

Thursday, September 2, 2010

What Comes First?

Living and Giving, what does come first in a successful life? The world tells us to live it up and live first and then give of what you have left or from your success. Now practically, this seems appropriate because how can we give of what we do not have and possess?

But things do fall apart when we think we first have to live; achieve it, earn it, amass it, acquire it, win it or find it before we will give.

You hear it said a lot; "You know when my ship comes in, then I will really make a big gift to my church." Or, "I can't give any of my time, talent, and treasure now because I do not have any thing to give. So, I will wait till later." AND later never comes.

There is a spiritual law in the universe that runs the way we live and the results we get whether we believe it or follow it or not. We've talked about this law many times before; it is called the "Law of Sowing and Reaping." (Galatains 6:3) So in order to really live and receive we have to first give and share.

By giving we are talking about giving our money to a good cause, giving our time to make that cause work and giving our talent to bring value on board for the success of that cause.

By giving we are also talking about our money a lot too. As a person once said, if you want to know what is really important in your life, just take a tally of what you have spent your money on in the past six months.

Living and Giving go hand in hand. As it says in the Bible in 2 Corinthians 8 "First they gave themselves to God and then to us." We give to a higher order of life; toward the spiritual side of life and we give to others. One really good way to do that is in and through the church. When we do that according to the universal laws, we then can really live! Guaranteed.

Blessings in your Giving and Living this week.

Rev. Bill McBride